Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why so dumb?

Alright, I know I've got shit to figure out.  I get that.  I'm all, "oh, poor me, because I have so much time and I get to do exactly what I want with it."  Yeah, you can hate me.  I don't mind.  Sometimes, I hate myself, too.

But if you're on the prowl for a more substantive wrong to abhor-- perhaps a richer, juicier meatloaf of iniquity rather than the inconsequential small plate I serve up-- consider the following: dumb Americans.

I love my people.  I do.  But now, I'm away.  So, I'm going to dish it out straight.  Americans, you're really dumb.  Really, just painfully ignorant.  Unfortunately, with the limited appeal of education to people who don't care to actually read, it probably isn't going to get any better anytime soon.

Here's a shortlist of examples:

1. A northern Florida pastor wants to burn Qurans because its content differs from the Bible.  Couldn't he just burn last week's T.V. Guide?  Last I looked (probably in the early 80s), T.V. Guide provided information that may conflict with the New AND Old Testaments.  If the pastor would read the Quran and the Bible, he might find that their conflicts are fewer than either would have with his favorite entertainment weekly.  Unfortunately, the pastor won't read it.  He probably will, however, find pleasure in his own press.  (Kind of makes me wonder if the scared gun-toters who don't like the idea of Muslims building places of worship recognize the extremism in their midst?  Yeah, probably not.)

2. Republicans continue to trash Obama because he wants to end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.  The Republicans say this will result in fewer jobs because small business owners will be more highly taxed.  If the Republicans subscribed to the lessons of history, they would know that top marginal tax rates for the wealthiest have been highest during times of substantial growth in the country.  We need that money.  How hard is that to understand?

Check it out:  You can look at old tax rates and read a Marketplace report that cites a labor economist at Georgetown who clarifies the difference between the rich and the super-rich and prompts the question, why aren't we getting more money out of the super-rich?  Huh?  I'm sure we're more numerous.  We can totally invite them to dinner and make them really uncomfortable.

Even sheep know to run from potential danger.
Finally, what the hell is up with all the reports on joblessness and the limited reporting on the growth of companies who are downsizing their workforces?  This report on the PBS Newshour on Labor Day made me so sad, I had to stop my quiet contemplation of the circling seagulls to listen attentively.  Although Dr. Pepper Snapple, the parent company of a Mott's factory in New York, is profitable, workers were offered a contract that cut their benefits and kept their wages flat.  When the workers rejected the contract, the company sought wage reductions of $1.50 per hour.  Nevermind the stability of the $6.5 million salary earned by Dr. Pepper's CEO.  If there's an abundance of workers, then the market turns them into a commodity.  Doesn't that offend anyone?  I mean, aside from the striking workers who have seen themselves replaced by a temporary labor force working at half their wage and without benefits.

So, dumb Americans, please, for your own good: get some damn traction.  Sink your soft, fat feet into the mud sliding beneath you and pay attention to the reality around you, rather than the big dream of wealth you'll never acquire.

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