Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blah Blah Bloviation.

Check out Exodus 7:20, yo.

Though I tried, I couldn't close my ears to the U.S. election results.  The pundits and media have called it a "red tide" which, surprisingly but absurdly, is apt.  A red tide has swept the nation.  Does no one know that a red tide was one of the first plagues of Egypt and described in Exodus as "waters... turned to blood"?  Prepare your antibiotics.  Unless, of course, you don't have health insurance.  In that case, maybe get a snorkel and wash frequently?

This morning, Hillary Clinton arrived in Wellington.  Her large plane sits on the runway across the bay from our house, dwarfing the 737s clustered around the nearby terminal.  I can see the American flag on its tall tail from where I sit.  (No, I can't see Russia.)  I read that the new Green Party mayor of Wellington rode her bike (in her trusty high visibility vest) to the airport at 5 this morning to meet her.  How sweet and impressive given the pics I've seen of Mayor Wade-Brown in her fitted cream dress greeting Hillary (in a pressed brown pantsuit, of course).  I applaud Hillary for scheduling a quick stay in friendly New Zealand in the days following the Republican trouncing at home.  Her New Zealand colleagues are sure to pose loads of leading questions about the apparent under-education of the teabaggers to which Hillary can respond with exasperated affirmations.  "No shit," I hope she replies.  And, "what the fuck, can I get a visa?"

These days, I'm procrastinating with zeal.  Instead of working through a climactic couple of chapters that have been exhaustively outlined and considered, I'm writing quaint little essays about my protagonist's disinterest in her mother's new dog and long paragraphs about the squeak of wheelchair wheels on linoleum.  I've decided to accept these diversionary tactics as antidotes to doubt, fear, confusion and maybe a little reluctance to see my plot climb over the ramp toward a resolution.

Who cares, though, right?  With a red tide approaching, it's probably best to scramble toward higher ground.  Oh wait, we already did that.  Thank goodness.

There's good news, I suppose.  Two neo-Nazis lost their bid for random municipal seats in Southern California.  Also, masturbators all over Delaware, secure in their self-love, voted to keep Christine O'Donnell out of the Senate.  Phew.

Congratulations, America, for eschewing facts once again in favor of fear.  As always, the limited education of my country people astounds.  Go team.

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