Here's a quick note of congratulations to me: well done.
If I'd been raised in a home that valued creative endeavors and constructive criticism of them, I'd probably not feel the need to celebrate my minor triumph. But I wasn't. So there.
On Friday, at 5:17 p.m., I finished the first draft of the beastly novel I've been frantically drafting since July. It's a pus-eyed hydra with stank breath but it's finally contained, top to bottom. I'm inclined to call it all sorts of foul names which only confirms the absolute imperative that I never have children.
I woke up on Saturday wondering, "now what?" And then, this morning, I opened the document and started reading it. I suppose I'll revise the pus out of it and then do what every wide-eyed dilettante with an internet connection and some time does: impose my writerly reiterative travails on my lovely blog readers.
First things first: I'm going to pretend for a moment that this festering monster requires some air before I attack it with my rusty machete. I want a week at least to savor the infection I've created.
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