Thursday, December 1, 2011

Surprises in various sizes

The news this week is good.  I'm admitted to a Masters program at Victoria University's International Institute of Modern Letters.  I heard a couple days ago after I'd spent a fair amount of energy convincing myself-- and concocting pretty decent stories in support of-- a rejection.  Rejection is sometimes easier than success.  I know how to file it away.  Even after a couple nights of decent sleep, I'm still not sure how to respond to the good news.  Instead, I'm sort of pretending like there might have been a mistake.  When March rolls around and the class starts, I'll attend and deal with a new reality.

Although not so much a surprise as a shock, I discovered this morning that we've stumbled into December. Once again, I'm faced with the brain twister that wants me to reconcile Christmas trees with summer light.  I may have grown up in San Diego and I may have experienced winters far warmer than any summer day down in these island parts, but at least we pretended.  We wore scarves and boots because the calendar-- if not the sun-- asked for it.  And no matter the temperature outside, we weren't throwing carrot sticks on the roof under a sky that slowly goes grey after 9.  At least we all take many days off.

The novel writing project starts today.  I've written, oh, a paragraph or two.  With the news about the MA program, I'm a little more committed.  I want a second book in draft before I start all the shenanigans of the new year.  And then, when the Mayan calendar collapses us, I'll have three, which is nice little way to complete my universe.  Ah, good thoughts.

Here's a picture of clouds over Sydney.  These clouds existed at a moment when you were not there so you should feel very lucky for a peek.  I'm just saying.  Be grateful that you stumble into December with me.  Because even with clouds, it's a pretty spectacular moment in time that hosts them.

And when you're in Sydney next, consider that you've already missed this particular grouping of cloud bits.  You'll get your own, I promise.

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